2023 Women in Collision awards
By Sam Street | 20 February 2023 I Paint & Panel Magazine
The Women in Collision awards and seminar took place at the stylishvenue Beta in Sydney on Friday 17 February.
Over 130people gathered to cheers on the finalists, network and hear inspirationalspeakers. Guests enjoyed some fine food and wine before the formalities began.
First ofall we heard from our platinum sponsor. George Manos, IAG’s Manager of IndustryRisk and Governance, talked about why sponsoring the awards are so important toIAG and about the company's commitment to diversity. Thank you to all of oursponsors who made the day possible - IAG, 3M, Sherwin Williams, Wallaby CrashSupplies, BASF, Axalta, iBodyshop and Parts Check.
Keynotespeaker Hacia Atherton
Our keynotespeaker is the epitome of brave. Hacia Atherton was crushed by her horse whiledressage training and was harbouring hopes of representing Australia at theOlympics. She was told it was unlikely that she would walk again. She had toundergo multiple surgeries and she shared her journey to not only walking againbut running a half marathon. The theme of her presentation was courageand her strategies to stay positive and motivated. While she was inhospital she was inspired to set up a not for profit - Empowered Women inTrades - to encourage and support women to take up tools - she's our kind oflady.
Next totake the stage was Dr Lucy Morgan one of Australia’s top lungspecialists. Paint & Panel has teamed up with the Lung Foundationthis year to raise money for them and awareness within the industry about thedangers of work-related lung diseases. Morgan urged everyone to wear theappropriate PPE and to get themselves checked out as soon as they have anybreathing issues.
MargaretBauer from Cooma Crash Repairs
Finally wehad a chat with finalist Margaret Bauer from Cooma Crash Repairs about what shewould tell her 18-year-old self. She also touched on courage and we shouldn’tlet anyone stop us pursuing our dreams.
Afterdesert it was time to announce the winners in each of the categories. It’salways an emotional occasion and the winners spoke beautifully about what theirawards meant to them. You can read all about the winners in the next issue ofPaint & Panel magazine.
Owner/manager Finalists
Angela Burns, Fortress Collision Repair Services, Mansfield,Queensland
Sarah Karavasilias MPSR, Sydney, NSW
Kate Presnell, Kate Presnell Bodyworks, Launceston, Tasmania
Michelle Te Rure, Action Smart Group, Adelaide, South Australia
Helena Willmot Willmot Smash Repair Specialists, Cairns,Queensland
Owner/manager Winners
Sarah Karavasilias MPSR, Sydney, NSW
Kate Presnell, Kate Presnell Bodyworks, Launceston, Tasmania