Women in Collision Awards rocked in Sydney
By Sam Street | 19 February 2024 I PAINT& PANEL MAGAZINE
It was ourbiggest and best Women in Collision event yet. Around 170 people gathered atthe funky venue Number 10 in Sydney’s Darlinghurst.
Itcertainly got off to an unexpected start with a fire alarm and everyonemingling on the street. Once everyone was inside there were drinks and canapésand plenty of networking. The event kicked off with an introduction from yourstruly with a couple of reflections of how far the recognition of women’s vitalrole and achievement in the industry had come over the last decade of theseawards, with of course acknowledgement there is still a way to go.
Our keynotespeaker Lucy Bloom was a blast. Her story is truly inspirational, starting outwith a motorbike wipeout on the Harbour Bridge and nearly losing her leg. Byembracing a positive mindset of thinking about best case scenario outcomes shemade a full recovery and started her own advertising agency. She then went ontophilanthropic work as the CEO of a charity which raised money for Africaninitiatives. Her presentation made everyone laugh and all the people I talkedto afterwards commented on what an amazing speaker she is.
We werevery fortunate to have Michelle Klein from IAG as a speaker. Klein is the ChiefCustomer and Marketing Officer and has worked all around the world includingbeing vice president of global business marketing at Meta (Facebook). Kleinshared her journey and also talked about the customer journey and how importantit is to IAG.
GeorgeManos IAG's Manager Industry Risk and Governance and a truly enthusiasticsupporter of the Women in Collision Awards spoke briefly about why IAG is thePlatinum Sponsor and how this program aligns with IAG's values arounddiversity.
SarahMoynihan of Fortress Collision Repair Group and board director of theAustralian Collision Industry Alliance gave a brief presentation about the notfor profit’s aims and about the activities of her working group within it - thediversity and inclusion group.
Afterdessert is was time to reveal the two winners in the five categories. All thewinners gave acceptance speeches. There were a few tears and so much humilityand surprise. Thank you to all of the many sponsors who are so enthusiasticabout their support for these awards, especially to Platinum Sponsor IAG. Allbig thanks to Carbiz for shouting the well attended kick on event at a lovelyvenue nearby.