Four industry veterans join skills taskforce board
By National Collision Repairer
The leading repair industry body aimed at tackling skills shortage has crossed off another key milestone by establishing a board of six members at its April AGM with and industry veterans joining its governing body.
The Australian Collision Industry Alliance announced all four nominations for its Board of Directors were voted in at the Annual General Meeting in Melbourne on Friday.
Sarah Moynihan, Head of People, Culture & Change at Fortress Collision Repair Services from Queensland, Mike Wilkinson, Owner/Manager at Peter Wilkinson& Co in WA, James Black, Operations Manager at Sheen Panel Service in NSW and Andrea McCarthy, Owner/Manager at McCarthy Panel Works from Queensland.
The meeting was held at the Melbourne Convention Centre while the Collision Repair Expo was wrapping up another busy day downstairs.
Founding member Rob Bartlett said the board now has a valuable cross section of industry experience from some very important companies in the collision repair industry that would add to its depth, insight and accountability as a governing body.
Bartlett told NCR in late 2023, the establishment of proper governance structures and procedures was one of the first priorities of establishing the alliance as an effective body to combat skills issues.
Ina statement, the alliance said the ACIA was committed to representing the need sof its members and responding to the ever-changing landscape in the Collision Repair Industry.
“The ACIA is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive board that represents its members’ interests and better serves the Collision Repair Industry,” it noted.
“The ACIA will create a skills-based board aligned with its objectives to better serve the interests of its members. The nominations received have been considered in reference to the Board Selection Policy and Skills Matrix. It has been decided to reserve three board positions to be filled later to enable the opportunity to reassess and introduce new skill sets as the Alliance evolves and builds momentum.”